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The Role Of A Periodontist In Maintaining Oral Health

Are you tired of constantly having to deal with gum disease? If so, consider scheduling an appointment with a periodontist in Boynton Beach. 

Gum disease is not only uncomfortable but also detrimental to your overall health. If left untreated, it can increase your chances of conditions like stroke, heart disease, and pregnancy complications. 

Periodontists are the silent guardians of oral health, helping individuals prevent tooth decay and gum ailments. They can help you improve your smile, boost your confidence, and make it easier for you to perform simple tasks like chewing. 

Still skeptical about seeing one? Read on for an in-depth look at the role of these professionals in oral health. 

What Is a Periodontist?

To understand their role, you must first know who these specialists are and what they do. 

A periodontist is a dental specialist whose primary area is periodontics. This is a dentistry specialty focusing on the gums and jawbone. 

Your primary dentist may recommend these specialists if you have moderate or severe gum disease, as this condition requires expert care. What makes these specialists better placed to handle periodontal disease? Periodontists undergo additional years of training in periodontics, giving them a more in-depth understanding of the gums and jawbone. 

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum or periodontal disease is an infection of the gums. It often occurs because of plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria, usually brought on by poor brushing and flossing habits. Factors like excessive smoking, hormone fluctuations, and illnesses like diabetes can also cause gum disease. 

Common signs of periodontal disease include bad breath and inflammation, bleeding, or redness in the gums. Over time, the condition can cause receding gums, make it painful for you to chew, or cause tooth damage, necessitating removal. Lucky for you, periodontal disease is treatable, so you don't have to live with the discomfort.

If you're in Boynton Beach, seek help from professional periodontal dentists at Eriks Dental Group as soon as you notice a change in your gums. Your dentist will determine the extent of your gum disease and recommend the most suitable solutions to treat the condition and prevent a recurrence. 

What Role Do Periodontists Play in Maintaining Oral Health?

These dental specialists offer a wide range of services, all geared toward improving your oral health. Here, we delve into some of their responsibilities to highlight their role:

Periodontal Disease Prevention 

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 46% of Americans over 30 years old show signs of gum disease. While the condition is treatable, the high number is still concerning. Periodontal disease can impact your comfort and confidence. Treatment can be time- and money-consuming. This makes prevention a better route. 

Periodontists can help you. They conduct thorough evaluations, assessing the health of your teeth and gums. With regular check-ups, they can identify early causes of gum disease, like plaque and tartar buildup, and keep them at bay. This can lower your risk of developing periodontal disease. 

Gum Disease Diagnosis 

Appropriate treatment is contingent on proper diagnosis. The dental specialists conduct comprehensive examinations, looking for signs like gingivitis, to determine if you have gum disease. You may undergo imaging tests to help them identify changes in the gums, jawbone, or surrounding structures. 

Your specialist can also diagnose periodontal disease through gum examination — they typically use a small ruler, also known as a probe, to measure the pockets around your teeth. Deep pockets can be a sign of gum disease. 

Your medical history can also help with diagnosis. Conditions like diabetes increase your chances of gum disease. As such, your specialist can provide a more definitive diagnosis after taking a survey of your medical history. Often, early diagnoses facilitate early intervention and prevent further disease progression. This contributes heavily to optimal oral health. 


Periodontal dentists create personalized treatment plans to fit different individuals' needs. Your Boynton Beach periodontist will likely consider your risk factors, medical history, and level of disease progression when creating your treatment plan. There are numerous periodontal treatment options, some of the most common being:

  • Scaling and root planing: This is a two-step deep cleaning process. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar buildup on tooth surfaces and below the gum line. Root planing involves removing tartar from the roots of your teeth. These procedures eliminate bacteria buildup and help prevent future occurrences. Your specialist may recommend them if you have early-stage gum disease.
  • Dental implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that can be added to your jawbone to support a fake crown. They may be suitable if gum disease leads to tooth loss, necessitating a tooth replacement procedure. Periodontists undergo extensive dental implant training so they can offer better results than general dentists. 
  • Gum graft: This procedure helps restore lost gum tissue. Your specialist may perform it if you have receding gums to limit tooth sensitivity and improve your smile's appearance. 
  • Bone graft: Dental specialists often conduct this procedure when preparing for dental implants. It involves placing graft material in areas affected by bone loss to boost bone volume and density. Your specialist may recommend getting the bone graft material from your own body, an animal or human tissue bank, or a synthetic bone graft manufacturer.

Oral Health Guidance 

Dental specialists also provide tooth and gum care education to help promote oral health. They can tell you what to do and what to avoid to minimize your risk of periodontal disease and preserve your smile. Some of the tips they recommend include:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the gum-tooth juncture to prevent particle and bacteria buildup. 
  • Floss your teeth regularly to eliminate particles that may be hard to reach. 
  • Avoid smoking. 
  • Maintain a balanced diet, preferably with a high vitamin intake. 
  • Avoid sugary foods. 
  • Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups. 

Schedule Your Appointment With One of Boynton Beach's Best Periodontists

Living with gum disease can be a hassle, as it not only causes discomfort but also impacts your smile. A periodontist can improve your oral health by customizing treatment plans if you already have the illness and implementing preventative measures if you don't. 

Trust the experts at Eriks Dental Group to help fight all your gum issues with reliable periodontal care. We implement some of the latest treatment solutions, like periodontal laser therapy, so you don't have to worry about undergoing invasive surgery if it's not necessary. Don't suffer in silence. Schedule your periodontal care appointment today to improve your oral health.